Tips on Tasks from ChatGPT 4o

Tips on Tasks from ChatGPT 4o

Improving a real-time frame rate by asking ChatGPT 4o to optimize your code.

Michael Edgcumbe · 1 minute read

I used ChatGPT to improve some of the code I was using to communicate from an iPad to a visionPro over multipeer connectivity.

Here are some of the suggestions I used:

Subscribing to the update loop to update the transforms:

            subscription = content.subscribe(to: SceneEvents.Update.self, on: nil, componentType: nil) { event in
            if browserModel.nextJointData != browserModel.firstJointData {

Using a detached background task to decode the data:

    func performDecodeAsyncOperation() async -> [String:[JointData]]? {
    if let data = lastData as Data? {
        return await Task.detached(priority: .background) { [weak self] in
            return self?.createDecodeTask(with: data)
    return nil

Cancelling the decode task correctly:

// Optionally, a method to start the task
func startDecodeTask() async throws {
    decodeTask = Task {
        if Task.isCancelled {
            print("returning cancelled task")
            return nil
        return await performDecodeAsyncOperation()
    try await handleDecodeTaskResult()
    Task { @MainActor in
        decodeTask = nil

// A method to handle the task result
func handleDecodeTaskResult() async throws {
    if Task.isCancelled {
        print("Returning cancelled task with no value")
        decodeTask = nil
    let value = await decodeTask? { result in
        switch result {
        case .some(let data):
            return data
        case .none:
            print("Task failed with error")
            return [String:[JointData]]()

    if let jointData = try value?.get(), let decodeTask = decodeTask, !decodeTask.isCancelled {
        Task { @MainActor in
            if nextJointData != jointData {
                firstJointData = nextJointData
                nextJointData = jointData
                print("Swapped joint data")

public func cancelCurrentDecodeTask() {
    if let decodeTask = decodeTask, !decodeTask.isCancelled {
        print("cancelled decode task")
    decodeTask = nil

// Optionally, a method to cancel the task
func cancelDecodeTask() {

Compressing and decompressing my messages: do { let jsonData = try rawData)

        // Compress the data

        // Send data with user-initiated priority
        let compressedData = try (jsonData as NSData).compressed(using: .lz4)

        try multipeerSession.send(compressedData as Data, toPeers: multipeerSession.connectedPeers, with: .unreliable)
    } catch {

           Task {
            do {
                lastData = try (data as NSData).decompressed(using: .lz4)
                print("Did receive data \(data) at \(displayLinkTimestamp)")
            } catch {

Using a .userInitiated thread for sending messages from the iPad:

sendTask = Task(priority: .userInitiated) {
                    if Task.isCancelled {
                        print("Canceled task")
                    print("Sent model")

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